education & organisations

Bridget’s passion and purpose lie fundamentally in educating. She is first and foremost, an innate, curious, and lifelong learner and as a result, a progressive and conscientious educator.

Bridget’s education career spans beyond the classroom - where she believes the real magic happens - too numerous conferences and events, along with being featured in renowned educational resources such as ‘Developing Expert Learners’ by Dr. Michael McDowell.

Bridget’s anecdotal experiences within learning organisations observed what has been reinforced in functional nutritional literature-that educators and learners lack basic awareness of the fundamental principles of nutrition; ‘purpose, plates, and play’ (P3).

From here, Bridget created the P3 Modules. ‘P to the power of 3’ is grounded in the scientific research of the three separate neural pathway networks: mind, body, and spirit.


Bridget, as an educator and nutritionist, understands the importance of ‘purpose, plates, and play’ in developing thriving learners, educators, and organisations to grow, heal and thrive. 


Bridget’s work with learners understands the needs of the adolescent mind and the constraints of the learning day. ‘P3’ educates learners on how to achieve optimal well-being in their everyday life through attaining purpose, acknowledging the power of their plate, and the benefits of play.

Learners will engage in the ‘P3 Modules’ tailored to the learning organisations timetable.


Bridget’s work with educators is grounded in the knowledge of what is behind the learner. Her experience in schools exposed the reality that inadequate nutrition choices directly hindered a learner’s performance and behaviour. In addition, Bridget also saw that educators were not always equipped with the knowledge of caring for their own well-being and the importance of modelling positive habits.

Educators will engage in the ‘P3 Modules’ tailored to the learning organisations timetable.


Bridget’s experience in leadership exposed her to the systemic structures that constrain the potential for healthy habits within learning organisations, including canteens, timetabling, curriculum opportunities, parent education, educator overload, time breaks, and the organisation’s physical environment. These areas are unique to a learning organisation, and thus the consultation will be tailored to an individual context with the school leader.


To book the BIOBODY P3 Modules, or to request the P3 Scope and Sequence for your organisation, please fill in the form below.